This is the hardest boss in the game. He's located at Radiant Garden after the first battle with Xemnas and
Space Paranoids. Click on Sephiroth for a battle guide video.
Odd Jobs: Examine the notice board and try to complete one of the 6 Twilight Town jobs.
Struggle Matches: Located in Twilight Town, Talk to the struggle notice board. Fight Hayner,
Setzer, or Seifer.
Light Cycle: This mission is located in Space Paranoids, talk to the computer on the way out
and choose the option "Light Cycle".
Underworld and Olympus Cups: These are Cups you can win in the Underworld and in Olympus Colosium,
when you beat them you get prizes, don't forget about the paradox cups!
Musicals: These are avalable in 'Atlantica", just examine the green globe and choose a song that
is avalible.
Cave of wonders: This is a fun mission, you know the challange in story mode where you have to
fall from floor to floor to get the peddler a treasure, well just do it again.
Vine Swing: This challange is located in "Deep Jungle", you can pick any of the 4 time trials.
Story Book Mini's: These are located in Pooh's StoryBook, progress through th book to unlock
more mini-challanges.
SB Challanges: The skate boards are located in Hollow Bastion, Agrabah, Port Royal, Halloween
Town, and Twilight Town.
These are different coloured trinities, they come in Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and White. You will need
Donald and Goofy to claim your trinitie prizes!
The Mushrooms, Truffles and Fungas
The different kinds of mushrooms you fight are:
White Mushrooms
Black Fungas
Rare Truffle
These randomly appear and you need magic for the white ones. The fungas needs to be defeated normally, the Truffles need
to be lifted into the air (use Aeroga). These heartless drop extremely rare
prizes especially the Truffles. For the Mushrooms, these are the signals of what magic they want.
Shivering: Fire
Looking up(beam comming down): Thunder
Faning Itself: Blizzard
Lying on the Ground: Cure
Floating: Gravity
Timeless: Stop
Spining: Aero